Commission Sheet

I'm an professional 2D Animator from France.
Send me an messages on any social medias if you are interested!

Paypal Only ( € Currency )

- Without Colors & Shadings (Only Linework): -50%
- Without Shadings (Only Colors and Linework): -35%
(Does not apply to sketch commissions)
- Additional Character: -30%
- Additional Background: 40€ to 200€ depending to the complexity/time.

Normal Commissions Prices

Status: OPEN

-30% discount when you add a character in the same piece only apply when you take at least 2 commissions of the same type, if you take 3 from the same type only one of them will get the discount.(EXAMPLE: 2 simple fullbodies = 25€ + ( 25€ - 17,5€) = 42,5€.
3 sketch fullbodies= 45€ + 45€ + ( 45€ - 31€ ) = 104€. )

Animated Commissions Prices

Status: CLOSED

+ (the commission price wanted) If I draw and animate your commission.

- For AE animation, I have free will on how i'll animate your commission/drawing
Except if you're willing to pay extra, I won't do anything too complicated as showed in the examples.

I Can/Will Draw

  • Humans/Humanoids/Real persons

  • Furry/Anthro

  • Monsters

  • Robots

  • Ponies

  • Dragons

  • NSFW/Gore

I Can't/Won't Draw

  • Real Animals

  • Anything Inappropriate (Homophobic, Racist, Nazism, etc..)

Terms of Service


  • Payments AFTER the rough sketch is validated except for Sketches commissions.

  • For commercial use you must pay 100% of the value of the commission BEFORE.

Seller Rights

  • I have the right to decline your commission request.

  • Unless commissioned for commercial use I maintain the right to modify and post it on social media, and other public spaces. We can get to an agreement if you don't want it to be public.

Buyer Rights

Basic - Non commercial use commission:

  • You have the right to post it on social media and other public spaces but you don't have the right to claim commissioned artwork as made by you. Repost ONLY with credits.

  • You may request an alpha version (with transparent background).

  • You may request your preferred resolution for the work.

  • You may request for the commission to be worked at stages where you can provide feedback at each stage and minor corrections can be done at each. Bigger changes can be done at the sketch stage or later with an extra fee, smaller changes at later stages that do not take me more than 1 hour to fix or mistakes made by myself do not require that extra fee.

Commercial use commission:

On top of the previous rights:

  • You can use it as part of merchandise, books, covers, props, etc.

  • You must give credit at the time of selling and in the product (this can be discussed in the case of prints or other media where the credits may interfere with the quality of said product).

  • You may modify the artwork in any way you wish.

  • By paying for commercial use you acquire the exclusive rights of the artwork for commercial use. I can still use it for promotion purposes unless agreed otherwise, but not for any commercial use.

Refund Policy

  • I don't refunds when the drawing is done or almost done. Any status after the rough sketch is non-refundable.

  • If I am not able to continue with the commission for some reason a full refund will be done.

  • In the case of full render commissions, the buyer can request the commission to be stopped at the sketch stage.

  • If the client ask to fully pay before the rough has been sent and validated, i DO NOT refund.

Adult Content

  • You must be 18 years or older to request adult content in your commission, by requesting it you agree you are within this age range.